Beginners Guide to Preserving

Are you wanting to preserve your own food but not too sure where to begin? There’s so many methods available, it can be hard to know were to start and how they all work.

In this Beginners Guide to Preserving short course I introduce you to a number of food preserving methods that are suitable for complete beginners. I explain how they work, as well as provide pointers to keep in mind when experimenting with these methods. I provide tips and tricks for making particular preserves using several methods, as well as recommendations for resources and equipment.

Please note: This course does not contain demonstrations, and is purely instructional.

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This course contains all the information I would have appreciated when I commenced my preserving journey.

I am a self taught food preserver who learnt the skill of preserving out of necessity - as I was harvesting over half a tonne of produce from my home garden! But my journey started slow, as I struggled knowing what to do beyond making pot after pot of jam!

I learnt through reading, watching, practicing, failing, practicing again, reading some more until I worked out the most vital information to retain for good practice.

It’s this information that I have provided to others by means of my Beginners Guide to Preserving talk, delivered across Perth over the last 12 months, with every session booking out.

Those brand new to the idea of preserving food were inspired, going on to buy all the equipment, fully embracing their inner Nonna. Others who have been preserving for 30 years came along and left with pages of notes, learning new and valuable information.

I hope this course inspires you to take the first step in your food preserving journey.